Seeing the Message

I am not a deeply religious person but I am proud to say I believe in God. I have the mouth of a sailor on my worse days and I am a sinner like everyone else. I have had too many little miracles in my life not too believe, along with hearing the messages that are being sent to me. Where am I going with these?

I recently received an order for a bag and she requested a bible verse, Jeremiah 29:11 , now I have not read the bible so I had no clue what this verse was until I looked it up.....and there is was, it was my motivation, a message for me.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

So why does this mean anything to me, I just recently started my own little business and things are a little slow going so when I read this message it hit home, it is telling me not to give up, keep pushing and stay positive.

My advice to all of those around me is this:

Stop looking at everything that is wrong around you, try to find the positive in everything no matter how hard it is. Take responsibility for your mistakes and use them as learning experiences. Never look for the easiest way out of things, travel the road in front of you and ride those bumps and pot holes like a freaking boss.

Here is the bag I created for my customer: 


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